Frosty Morning – Sheffies Still Blooming

  • Post published:10/28/2013
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  We had our first real heavy frost, but the sheffies are undaunted. Neither are these pink mums. No real surprise - Sheffield daisies are just another mum. It is lovely to see them on this cold morning, with the sun beginning to shine brightly. I am thinking that it may be mild enough to work outside for a few more hours today. The garlic is planted, and many beds have been cleaned up - but not all. …

Giveaway – Seeing Flowers: Discover the Hidden Life of Flowers

  • Post published:10/25/2013
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Seeing Flowers: Discover the Hidden Life of Flowers with amazing photographs by Robert Llewellyn and charming essays by Teri Dunn Chace, is a beautiful companion to the stunning Seeing Trees: Discover the Extraordinary Secrets of Everyday Trees  which also features Robert Llewellyn's unique photographic process.  The book, and a gorgeous 16 x 24 gallery quality print to celebrate the release of this book by Timber Press is being given away to some flower lover.  All you have to do is click…

Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day – October 2013

  • Post published:10/14/2013
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  On this Garden Blogger's Bloom Day in my Massachusetts hilltop garden we have  come through only one good frost, but the garden is slowly falling to sleep. Thomas Affleck is still blooming, and sporadic blossoms are still being thrown out by The Fairy, Meideland red and white, Hawkeye Belle and Knock Out Double Red. Grandpa Ott is a morning glory that is still blooming, in front of the house and down in the Potager, as we grandly…

Autumnal Shades of Pink

  • Post published:09/25/2013
  • Post comments:9 Comments

  Even in the fall my garden is full of shades of pink. Japanese anemone robustissima. For more Wordlessness this Wednesday click here.

Bloom Day September 15, 2013

  • Post published:09/16/2013
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It has been quite a summer! Rain all through June. Drought all through July. And a very dry August, so you can imagine how I welcome the 2 inches of rain last week. The garden has been thirsty most of the season so some plants have really suffered, but bloom will entirely be denied.  Alma Potchke has just begun to bloom Right next to Alma Potchke is this sedum which I think is Neon.  It doesn't look that…

September 1 Record Fruiting and Tangles

  • Post published:09/02/2013
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This post is part of my twice a month record of bloom and doings in the garden, on the 1st of the month, and then on Bloom Day, the 15th. As we begin September it is clear that in spite of the hot and dry weather Thomas Affleck continues to thrive. One a very few other rose blossoms are to be seen. What the roses are doing instead of blooming is producing hips. The Rugosas have the biggest…

Walk on the Wildside with Sue Bridge

  • Post published:08/31/2013
  • Post comments:1 Comment

How would you plan your retirement if you had already received a degree from Wellesley College, earned a further degree in Russian and Middle Eastern Studies, hitchhiked to Morocco, lived in Paris, worked for the United Nations, as well as in the cable TV world, and for the Christian Science Monitor newspaper? Sue Bridge, with the urging of a Northampton friend, bought eight acres of hilly land in Conway. For the past seven years her retirement project has…

Joe Pye Weed for the Butterflies

  • Post published:08/20/2013
  • Post comments:3 Comments

Joe Pye Weed, Eupatorium, is a native plant whose range extends from Texas to Maine. It can be used in perennial flower beds, or allowed to flourish on the roadside or in fields. I planted a small variety in my garden this spring, but I love the 6 foot tall 'weeds' that grow in the fields. I am not successful of getting  photographs of butterflies, but butterflies find lots of nectar in the tiny blossoms of the Joe Pye…

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day – August 15, 2013

  • Post published:08/15/2013
  • Post comments:6 Comments

On this Garden Bloggers Bloom day there are some surprises.  The weather should not surprise anymore, but it does, and often causes gnashing of teeth. In June we had a glorious 12 inches of rain. In July there was no rain! It was hot! An official heat wave. In August it has been much cooler and we had 4 inches of rain so far. Still there are lots of blooms in the un-irrigated flower gardens. The Daylily Bank…

August Bloomers on August 1, 2013

  • Post published:08/02/2013
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Of all the August Bloomers, the Daylily Bank makes the biggest statement even though it has started to pass its peak. Other August bloomer are just beginning. The most notable in this photo is the classic Echinacea or coneflower, with Russian sage in front and pink and white phlox on the other side of the bed. The phlox is late, with light bloom, because the deer had been snacking on the buds. Only once clump of Paradise Blue…