Of all the August Bloomers, the Daylily Bank makes the biggest statement even though it has started to pass its peak.

Other August bloomer are just beginning. The most notable in this photo is the classic Echinacea or coneflower, with Russian sage in front and pink and white phlox on the other side of the bed. The phlox is late, with light bloom, because the deer had been snacking on the buds. Only once clump of Paradise Blue phlox escaped and it is going well in a bed with Switzerland daisies, and aconite.

The Mothlight hydrangea is a dependable August bloomer, beginning in July and going into September. My other three young hydrangeas, Limelight, Pinky Winky, and the native oakleaf, are all in bloom as well, despite more snacking by the deer.

Sharing a bed with Mothlight, are Blue Paradise phlox and a deep gold unnamed achillea. You cannot see the daisies and the aconite nearby in this photo.

Closer to the house are potted plants like these petunias, and succulent collections. You can see even the succulent decided to be an August bloomer this year.

As part of the welcoming garden are three lilies, henryi, rubrum and a gold and white lily. Those are white snapdragons, part of the potted collection. Black Dragon lilies and crimson bee balm are blooming in the center of this bed, but they are not as lush as usual. I’ll have to add some extra compost this fall.

At the very beginning of the welcome garden is the amazing Thomas Affleck rose, along with a floppy lily. Even before I got it properly deadheaded it has begun to bloom again, and will be blooming well into the fall.

Down on the Rose Walk the Folksinger rose is also putting out a new flush of bloom along with the new Carefree Beauty, both Griffith Buck roses.

I will let this beautiful dill flower stand in for the vegetables and herbs we have been harvesting, broccoli, summer squash, and lettuce, parsley and cilantro.

We are starting to harvest blueberries, but we have been eating red and black raspberries for most of July. Fortunately, blueberries don’t need irrigation. The garlic harvest will begin soon, too.
Everything is beautiful! I especially love that folksinger rose…
Sounding and looking lush and yummy!!