This statue of Janus which stands at the entry to a woodland path at Tower Hill Botanic Garden seems perfect for an early January post. In this classical statue of the god of doorways and new beginnings, it is an old man who looks backward to the past, but a young man who looks forward to a new year with all its promise and challenge.
On my solitary walk through the shady woods on that very hot summer day I came unexpectedly upon Pan, playing his seductive pipes, making it difficult to leave this shady glade.
This smoke breathing Dragon at the Three Sisters Sanctuary in Goshen takes a very different form and feeling from the cool, classical statues at Tower Hill. Richard Richardson has taken stone and glass, metal and mirror to create his Dragon. Note the fireplace directly under the dragon head that provide his smoky breath. Richard repairs and sells stoves; he revels in his power to control fire and smoke.
Richard told me that when it was time to create the dragon head he invited a massage therapist to spend a couple of days with him to make sure he got the musculature correct. I had not known we had local massage therapists who were familiar with dragon musculature. I’ve written about the rest of this amazing garden here.
I don’t have any statuary of any style in my garden, not even a gazing ball. Do you?
Always with thank to Cindy of My Corner of Katy for hosting Three for Thursday.
Good morning Pat – I love Tower Hill and especially that Janus: it’s sited just perfectly. You make me want to visit Three Sisters – very interesting!
Oh yes, I have statuary in my garden. Nothing tall and elegant as in the first two photos, more like the last photos. Love that dragon.
Cyndy – The Three Sisters is worth a trip. Richardson is quite a character with a lot to say!
Lisa – The dragon is really magnificent – but it is only one element in this unique garden.