Starter Vegetable Garden Giveaway

Tis the season to start gardens. If you have been tentative about starting your first garden this year here is an opportunity to win a book that will be an immense help.

Storey Publishing generously sent me a copy of Starter Vegetable Gardens: 24 No-Fail Plans for Small Organic Gardens by Barbara Pleasant to giveaway to my readers. If you would like to win a copy  leave a comment at the the end of this post.  I would love to hear about your own garden plans for this season, but all you must do is let me know you want to win the book  When you post your comment you’ll have to give your email address which will not appear publicly, but which I can use to reach you if you win and get your street address. The lottery will close on Friday April 22, Earth Day at midnight. The winner will be chosen on Saturday, April 23.

While this book will be an excellent guide for the new gardener it also has valuable information for the more experienced gardener with sections on stretching the season, organic remedies, high value verticals. There is something for everyone.

Earth Day is the perfect day to win this book which is all about growing the most local food that can be produced -right in your own backyard – saving all kinds of energy.

This Post Has 24 Comments

  1. emily woodward

    Hello , could i get the free copy of “Starter Vegetable Gardens” ? thanks

  2. meemsnyc

    This sounds like an awesome book to add to my library.

  3. Sue M

    This looks like just the book I need to start a great garden. I’m trying to learn to grow my own veggies to save money in these hard economic times.

  4. Faye

    Maybe Barbara could teach this old gardener some new tricks?
    I love to read gardening books, and would treasure the read…I am sure of that.
    I love your blog. I lived and gardened in Maine for 25 years, not quite sure what I think I am doing in Florida. Mostly squabbling with the homeowners association about my many plants.
    Keep your wonderful articles coming, I look forward to them every evening.
    I am a Master Gardener in South Florida… very different gardening here from my gardening life in New England.

  5. emily woodward

    please add me also, thanks

  6. Paula

    Thanks for your column, Pat. I enjoy reading it. Would love to use this book to convince my husband not to break his back!

  7. PattiI

    I’m finally going to start a garden this yeare and decided to do a raised garden. I read your article in the paper and realized that the plan I had was not going to work. I redid it and now I will be able to reach all my veggies and I will be saving money by not buying dirt to put in my paths. Thanks. I would like to win this book since I am a brand new gardener and need all the help I can get.

  8. Libby Maxey

    This book sounds wonderful! This is my second year doing a few small raised beds, but I’m really still thrashing about out there, trying things at random and waiting to see whether anything works. A new gardening book is always an inspiration, and this one sounds like I might have to invest in a copy even if I don’t win one!

  9. Linda D-B

    I have mixed my veggies into my perennial garden over the past two years. This year I would like to enlarge it and possibly start a larger strictly veggie garden in another area.

    Would love to win the book so I could read it.

  10. Steve Rhodes

    I have 3 kids 2, 5, and 7 years old and we have never had a garden. We moved to a hill in Bernardston and I would love to begin the journey of gardening with them. I don’t know much about gardening and would hope this book could help us get started. I know the kids would love to do this and have the excitement of creating their own food from the beginning through the whole process to consuming. Thanks.

  11. Pat

    Good luck to you all. I can see there will be new, and improved gardens this spring. And getting the kids out there to dig in the dirt is a wonderful idea. I am impressed with all the school gardens that are being planted locally as well. There is a lot to learn in the garden – for all of us.

  12. Catherine

    Moving to a new house, and will need to start over with my vegetable garden. This would be helpful!

  13. carole normandin

    I have had a garden for years but it has been a disaster more years than a success. My best tomato crop was when I planted in buckets. I have now added two beehives to my yard and want to add plants they will like. This book sounds like the answers to my prayers, easy to set up, maintain, and have a variety of plants. Also I have enjoyed your columns in the Recorder.

  14. Jackie DiGiovanni

    I love books about organic gardening. No matter how many I read, I always learn something new. I hear this is a great book.

  15. Rebecca

    What a great giveaway to celebrate Earth Day! Include me in the drawing!

  16. Linda

    After our 24′ pool crashed, we put a perennial flower garden in the circle. It is the only sunny spot to have a veggie garden, so I will start with raised beds and thin out the perennials. I’m a colo-rectal cancer survivor now and committed to eating healthy. I want to grow my own organic vegetables in a small garden.

  17. thepricklypinecone

    We hope to make a raised bed in the next week and start growing lettuce and other veg to help improve our diet. I attempted a garden last year which didn’t go so well, I hope this year will be better!

  18. Jay Monroe

    I still have nightmares about that poor weasel and what I imagine happened to him. But, such is life and one must protect ones chickens.

  19. Connie Clarke

    Hello, Pat – I’m loving your website! This offer to throw my name and interest into the raffle basket for Starter Vegetable Gardens prompted my first visit, though I ready your column faithfully. Definitely will bookmark.I’m especially interested in this book as I am expanding my garden plots to the edge of the forest this spring. Many thanks for all that you share with us.

  20. Lucinda

    Looks like a great book. I’ve been gardening for several years so I consider myself a beginning expert. I know the basics…kind of, sort of, but I need a lot of help! Hoping there might be a chapter on how to control the weather! 🙂

    And thanks for commenting on my Disney blog ( I would not have discovered your fabulous blog if you hadn’t. You are living my fantasy life.

  21. Don McGann Jr

    I have a 26′ x 33′ garden and would love to start using a notill method. I have been reading a borrowed copy of the Lasagna Gardening,but Starter Vegetable Gardens sure sounds interesting
    and would mean no more spading fork till you drop.

  22. domestic diva

    I’d love a copy of this book. We grow herbs and tomatoes and we’re slowly venturing into more edible vegetables.

    lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

  23. Cara Hochhalter

    Wonderful…do you think we could add another vegetable along WITH the squash we plant in our church garden….Hey…let’s hear it for CHURCH GARDENS!

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