My Pleasure Ground

  • Post published:03/25/2009
  • Post comments:2 Comments
Julie is the glamorous one on the right.
Julie is the glamorous one on the right.

Last Saturday was the Western Mass Master Gardeners Spring Symposium.  I was honored to share the bill with Julie Moir Messervy who was the keynote speaker. I spoke about my worm farm and she spoke about garden design and her new book Home Outside.

Julie had a lot of helpful things to say, but she struck the tone immediately for me in her talk and in her book when she said her aim is to help us create our own Pleasure Ground.

A Pleasure Ground is exactly what I am aiming for in my garden. There is the Rose Walk which is a glory in June when the peonies are also blooming. That’s when we have our Annual Rose Viewing and invite our friends and anyone passing to share the pleasure of stopping to smell the roses.

Apart, a rugosa, is one of my favorites. There are 70 others.
Apart, a rugosa, is one of my favorites. There are 70 others.

There are the pleasures of watching the children play on the lawn.

Drew and Anthony preparing for croquet.
Drew and Anthony preparing for croquet.

 There are the pleasures of resting in The Cottage Ornee, after weeding, for Sunday breakfast and newspapers, or for an nap on a hot summer afternoon.

There are the pleasures of an abundant vegetable garden.

Abundant may not be the right word.
Abundant may not be the right word.

We all find different pleasures in our gardens, which is the pleasure for me of visiting gardens of the other bloggers. I can’t wait to see this new season unfold.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Frances

    Hi Pat, what a wonderful idea, the pleasure ground. Your garden seems full of pleasures indeed. Of course I love all the plants and flowers, but that little cottage really caught my attention. What a treat to be able to pop in there for a rest.

  2. BJ Roche

    Eagerly await a summer Sunday afternoon in the cottage with the Times and a glass of wine!

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