Even the workers from Verizon and National grid must have seen some of the beauty through the damage that the heavy ice caused. We were fortunate that there was no wind, even though it was very cold, or even more damage would have been caused and the workers would have had much more trouble.

This yellow birch is a tree I love and I have often photographed it. It was so beautiful in the rosy light, but it was clear that it has been damaged. I will hope that Mother Nature’s pruning will turn out not to have been harmful.

The view in back of the house has never been picturesque, but the clothesline is a goner and the chickens will have much more sun.
On the other hand, the henhouse door has never been so picturesque. To get through I feel I am travelling through the Crystal Forest in the Twelve Dancing Princesses fairy tale.

My poor white lilacs!

Krishna doesn’t mind, so maybe we shouldn’t get too upset.
We can get water out of the dug well in the Lawn Bed for dishwashing and flushing.
And once Henry and friends cleared away the hemlock we could Get Out.

We celebrated our friend Suzy’s birthday and Peter brought the fabulous dinner. I brought the fruitcake birthday cake. No genoise with meringue butter cream this time!

I was too late for the Living Nativity at the Charlemont Federated Church but arrived just in time for refreshments (typical some would say) and to admire Mary and the Baby Jesus.

When I got home the sun was setting, and by 6 pm the Power Was On. All’s well that ends well.
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Wow! Beautiful shots. It’s terrible to see all of the destruction from the ice, but what a gorgeous show! Thanks for sharing your photos.
It stayed below freezing for 4 days so the landscape was just spectacular. We all were personally aware of the damage and trouble that it caused, but impossible not to admire the dazzle and beauty – and the power of Mother Nature.
What great photographs! I’m sad about your lilacs, too- maybe they’ll be okay though. As for the birch, I feel hopeful. Ten years ago we had a 5 minute windstorm which tore apart our old, old maple in front of the house. We were sure we’d have to cut it down, but we just cut off the damaged parts, and it has thrived. It looks a little misshapen, but that’s okay as long as it is here!
Oh my goodness, I’ll never complain about being cold again! (Well, maybe I will…) I hope you are back to normal soon and your plants haven’t been too damaged. Beautiful photos by the way.
Oh my! Those images are breathtaking. I hate seeing those majestic trees break, though, but after all, it is the nature of things to change, right? Do you have running water yet? You are quite a trooper!
Nan, the thing about those old lilacs is they know how to survive. They probably needed a big thinning anyway. And the birch had less damage than many of the old maples in town. Thank heaven there was no wind.
Jean, We just stayed as close to the fire as possible – and our motto, used frequently raising 5 children, is It Could Always Be Worse. Now we have power heat and running water.
Get grounded, We are in total agreement. Everything changes. Happily.
Having lived through ice storms I can more than appreciate what you are going through. Hard to lose things — especially treasured trees. We had a hail storm a couple of years ago that damaged our roof, let alone the garden. I could hear the hail hitting the roof two stories below in the basement. Nature always wins.
Ms Wis – You are right. We should never ever underestimate the power of Mother Nature.
Now that was some ice storm Pat. We had some ice night before last but nothing of this magnitude. Wow.
I am glad you weren’t one of those that were without power for days.
Lisa, Some people in town still don’t have power. I’m off the the Community Hall Emergency Center to help serve lunches – mostly to phone and power workers still on duty. And another storm is predicted!
Wow! it is amazing what the fauna will go through and still burst forth in the spring with beauty.
Good luck with all the tender babies.
I am going to have to peruse further to see who you have in your rose garden!
Colette Amelia – Things are tough up here. today we are having a big snowstorm, but no one is bothered by a cold dry snow. We are glad to get the protective blanket on the ground. Obviously, my roses are of the hardy varieties.
wow powerful shots. I was always in awe of Ang Lee’s “The ice Storm” –the ice images .
but the 12 dancing princesses is right! beauty– and I hope the birch recovers.
That is quite a challenge you are facing there this Chrismas, Pat. I hope this Christmas Eve finds you warm with power, surrounded by loved ones.
Merry Christmas! Kathryn xxoxo
Kathryn – we came out well and we have lots and lots of family, and friends to celebrate with. Joy to you.
I hope things are thawing by now. These are amazing pics. Your food picture was a good one, too.
I thought I’d make a brief appearance, but forgot when my church’s living nativity was, and did not make it there at all.
Sue, there has been thaw and melt, but the winds are howling and we are told to prepare for an Alberta Clipper – a fast violent snow storm. I’ve gotten drinking water ready in a pot.