Garden Bloggers Bloom Day Early – or Late?

  • Post published:10/11/2018
  • Post comments:6 Comments
“Alma Potchke” asters on a early Bloom Day – or late – depending on  your view

I missed Garden Bloggers Bloom Day in September because we were out of town for a few days. So now I am posting an early view of my garden – or perhaps I am just later. Either way, there was and is, still  color as long as my ‘Alma Potchke’ aster is in bloom. No frost yet.

Boltonia and asters
Boltonia and asters

Boltonia is a wonderful perennial blooming lushly and late in the season. Usually it doesn’t need propping, but with all the heavy rain this one is laid a little low. The boltonia next to a rose bush in the South Border can relax a little on the rose.

variegated joe pye weed
Variegated Joe Pye Weed

This variegated Joe Pye weed is still in bloom, but the more common version which grows in a shadier spot in my garden is well finished for the season.

chelone or turtlehead
Chelone or turtlehead

My stand of chelone is substantial, at least 6 feet tall, and mostly upright, but again the heavy rains have given some stalks a bit of languid relaxation.

Red winterberry
Red winterberry
gold winterberry
Gold winterberry

The four winterberries in the garden are doing magnificently – Two red, one gold and one male. Please note that the winter berries, like the joe pye weed, amd chelone are all plants that often grow in the swamp. They are water lovers! Knowing that our garden was wet, we have chosen other plants (not blooming at this season) that are also water lovers – the dappled willow, elderberries, yellow twig dogwood, clethra and river birches. However, while the water lovers have thrived this year, other plants have struggled.

Potted annual

On the  other hand, there has been so much rain that this potted annual continues to bloom even though no one has been around to water it.

Nameless annual

And this nameless annual has grown happily all summer under the yellow twig dogwood, perfectly happy in the swamp.  As I have always said, there are many mysteries in the garden.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Dee

    It’s all so beautiful Pat. The asters are going crazy in my garden right now too.

  2. Jeane

    Your last one is Scaevola aemula, or Fanflower. It’s a favorite of mine! (I wish it would grow better in my yard).

  3. Pretty blooms! I can’t believe you still have Joe Pye blooming! Ours around here are long gone! Thanks for sharing your pretty blooms. 🙂

  4. Lisa at Greenbow

    I was wondering where all of our rain went. Now I know. Your winterberries are spectacular. Not a berry on ours. They have only been in the ground a year and we have had such drought that I am just thrilled that they are living and growing. Maybe next year. The turtlehead and Joe Pye are all finished blooming here. Happy Bloom Day.

  5. Rose

    The combo of Boltonia and asters is beautiful! And I love the winterberries. I should have labeled my latest post as an early Bloom Day, too, because we had our first frost this morning, and I doubt there will be much in bloom next week.

  6. Pat

    Dee – I love those asters. They have such a nice long season.
    Jeane – Thank you so much for identifying my wonderful annual. I recognized the name as soon as I saw it.
    Beth – I don’t know if anything will bloom much longer. Frosts are predicted this next week.
    Lisa – It isn’t fair that some have drought and some have flood. Things should be better arranged!
    Rose – Boltonia is wonderful with any number of plants. It is beautiful.

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