Spring has finally arrived with the beautiful flowers in the Garden. We begin with the Rose Bed. The Alchemist rose was bred by Benjamin Cant & Sons in1973. There is a blend of coppery shades and apricot with fragrant flowers. It is about 5 feet tall.
Brother Cadfael is an clear pink English rose bred by David Austin. This rose is blooming right next to the Alchemist who has a bit of gold.
Carefree Beauty was bred by Dr. Griffith J. Buck . This rose is pink, but will turn to a paler shade.
Folksinger is a beautiful rose with yellow and peach blending – and it also was bred by Dr. Griffith J. Buck, who has bred many other beautiful roses.
The name of ‘Thomas Affleck’ was given to this cerise pink rose in honor of a 19th century nurseryman who had a nursery just a few miles from the Antique Rose Emporium. It has a lovely fragrance, and is thornless.
The Poet’s Wife was bred by David Austin and it has a wonderfully rich fragrance with a hint of lemon, which becomes sweeter with age. My shrub is not very large yet, but it will eventually be about 4 x 4 when it is in proper age.
The paprika rose from Oso Easy is only about two feet tall but filled with wonderful little flowers. I have one other Oso Easy so keep your eyes open for it, and for other roses that will be happy to show their faces. Very soon.
They are gorgeous!!