I am writing this on Sunday, just before I set off for adventures in Norwalk, Connecticut and New York City – lots of gardens everywhere – so my Monday Record is a little early.

I am afraid some of my more ephemeral blooms will not longer be lovely on Bloom Day, so here is Epimedium rubrum. I keep promising myself I will divide it, but no action so far.

I thought this was a cut leaf bleeding heart, that is almost always in bloom, but it is white and I’m not sure about those blossoms. Any ideas? I’m sorry the photo isn’t more clear.

Last spring I saw forget-me-nots everywhere I went. Everyone had them except me. I bought a couple of pots of forget-me-nots at the Bridge of Flowers Plant Sale (coming up May 22) and now I have forget-me-nots everywhere. They are just beginning to bloom.

When I wasn’t looking my sad, brown jasmine came back to life. It usually does, but it is always a surprise. It has been spending the winter in our Sitting Room which is bright but cool. I do water it, but it browns up anyway. Surprised by all the new green, unnoticed until today, I took it out on the Welcoming Platform for a good washing and soaking. I brushed off most of the dead leaves.
That was the easiest chore for the weekend. Lots of weeding, watering, pruning roses,watering and admiring the lettuces, broccoli and spinach in the new Front Garden that came through all the cold weather – and today they came through temperatures in the 80’s! I also planted two more roses: Celsiana, an alba on the Rose Walk and Therese Bugnet, a rugosa, on the Rose Bank. Everything has needed watering. The other roses are slowly leafing out. Some look a little sad even though our winter was mild, but we’ll see how things develop.
Is that dutchman’s breeches? I had one many years ago… I love how the flower looks like little pantaloons.
Mattenylou – I think you are right! I’m not sure I even knew I had this. It is a Dicentra, but I thought I had a different variety. I saw the Dicentra I thought I had at Wagner Park yesterday, and saw the difference in the foliage as well as the flower, but now you have named it. Thank you. Maybe I got it at the Bridge of Flowers plant sale last year.