U is for Umbelliferae. Umbelliferae is the family of plants that includes carrots, cilantro/coriander/ dill, lovage, parsley, parsnips and Queen Anne’s Lace. As well as a few others. I hadn’t thought about the range of this family until I read Vegetable Literacy, a wonderfully informative horticultural book – and cook book filled with delicious recipes.
The name Umbelliferae refers to the type of flower form – umbel.
I wrote about Queen Anne’s Lace here and identified it as Daucus carota, or wild carrot. You would understand the wild carrot part if you ever sniffed a Queen Anne’s Lace root. Daucus is a genus within the larger umbelliferae kingdom. The taxonomy rules go from Kindgdom, to Phylum to Class to Series to Family to Genus to Species. There are about 3,700 species in the Umbelliferae Kingdom.
You can see the similarity between the Queen Anne’s Lace Flower and this dill flower starting to go to seed.
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I love dill but it does not like my soil for whatever reason.