Tree Peonies on the Bridge of Flowers

  • Post published:05/26/2016
  • Post comments:0 Comments
Kamata Nishiki tree peony
Kamata Nishiki tree peony

It is tree peony season on the Bridge of Flowers in Shelburne Falls. There are a number of tree peonies, but not all of them have retained their names. No matter. They are all still stunning. We have been promised a few days of hot weather. I hope the tree peonies don’t mind too much.

Shimanishiki tree peony
Shimanishiki tree peony

This tree peony took a beating in the rain – and now here we are fearing the hot sun.


tree peony
Nameless tree peony

Of course other flowers and blooming trees are blooming on the Bridge, but the Tree Peonies are particularly ephemeral and I wait for them every year.

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