The Time Had Come – A New Garden

  • Post published:08/14/2024
  • Post comments:8 Comments
Ready to Begin

When I look around our backyard garden I can’t help wanting to make new beauties. This area is a new beauty of getting rid of our raspberries, which were no longer useful. So this is the beginning.

We Are Working Together

We made a couple of trips to our beloved Greenfield Farmers Coop to fill the bed with many new plants. We also dug up a Peony that was getting squashed in the Rose area and moved it to the new bed. Needless to say we were spending a fair time trying to choose plants in the perfect spot.

Watering the Garden

It took time, but after walking away, thinking, and finally returning to the the last flowers. it was time to give the flowers some rain. I  was so happy.  And Henry too.

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. betsyr19

    I love how you are always transforming and improving your garden! It is.givimg me.lots of.inspiration – when something doesn’t work out, I can try something else!

  2. Susan Calabria

    This is so exciting! I can’t wait to see your gardens!

  3. Beth Stetenfeld

    Oh my goodness, how fun! You’ve been busy. Please keep us updated on the progress of the new additions. 🙂
    Beth@PlantPostings (

  4. Pat

    Betsy – We try to keep the flowers growing, but as you can imagine, there can be difficulties. But things are going pretty well right now.

  5. Pat

    Susan – We are here, and we can’t wait to show you the gardens!

  6. Pat

    Beth – We definitely have been busy, but we are happy to be working on this new area for flowers. AND – you would be amazing at the number of birds eating our seeds – and we are going to get different seeds soon because we were told the new seeds would bring more interesting birds.

  7. Tracy

    That is a big job, especially getting rid of the raspberries – and it looks wonderful!

  8. Pat

    Tracy – The new Flower area is coming along nicely and I am pleased that we have so much beauty – in the back yard!

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