Great-Granddaughter Bella’s First Heath Fair

  • Post published:08/21/2013
  • Post comments:8 Comments
Bella baking for the Heath Fair

Bella came to visit in time to prepare her exhibits for the Heath Fair. Baking for the Fair is almost as much fun as the Fair itself. At the age of 6 Bella is in a real competition which means that she has to  make her cookies all by herself. No one else, not even Granny, can touch the cookies. She measured the ingredients, operated the mixer, and used a tiny ice cream scoop to measure the dough and make cookies of a consistent size. Consistency is key to winning a blue ribbon in all baking and vegetable entries.

Bella in the Friends of the Heath Library book tent

Bella helped set up the Friends of the Heath Library book sale tent – and then she spent all the money ($2) granny gave her for the fair on books.

Bella and Hazel feeding the sheep

The Heath Fair is a small agricultural Fair. There are sheep to feed, and fair activities are always more fun when you are with a friend. But we also watched the goat judging, admired the bunnies and the chickens in their special house. Some of the ducks were penned outside where they could have a little swimming pool. There were cows, and two big workhorses that gave people wagon rides around the Fairgrounds.

Bella and her cousin hooping

The Heath Fair only has a couple of mechanical rides, but really, what is more fun than climbing the 20 foot tall climbing wall (she really did even  though we don’t have a photo) or spending hours! leaning to hula hoop. The whole family joined in this. Even the boys, and little Lola, Bella’s 4 year old sister.

Family at rest

After all that hooping everyone had to rest and refresh themselves. Lots of visiting.

Bella on horseback

What is every little girl’s dream? Horseback riding! Look at that head held high, proud and confident.

Bella’s blue ribbon cookies

Hard to say what was the most exciting event of this year’s Heath Fair, but Bella’s first blue ribbons has to be right up there. Notice the consistent size of those cookies (one of the 6 already eaten). Consistency is key. It cannot be said too often. Her vanilla sandwich cookies with raspberry jam filling also won a blue ribbon. Blue ribbons – and eight dollars prize money.


Not all my entries won blue ribbons, but no one could argue the beauty and size of my garlic.

For more (almost) wordlessness this Wednesday click here.


This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Ron Harmon

    Thanks for sharing all the pictures. It is a way to be there when you live so far away.

  2. Lisa at Greenbow

    Congrats to Bella. What a haul…ribbon and $$. It looks like a fun time was had by all. Still dreamin about horses. 🙂

  3. Pat

    Ron – It was one of the best Fairs ever. The Exhibit Hall was filled with the work of so many devoted and skilled people.
    Lisa – Bella doesn’t really understand money, but the blue ribbons made a big impression.

  4. Layanee

    Oh I do think she is taking after Grandma. Congratulations Sweet Bella.

  5. Pat, I loved this post. Thank you for sharing your day at the fair and Bella’s hard work. Your garlic and her cookies were classic and made me smile. For me, the perfect kind of day.~~Dee

  6. Oh! I forgot to say I looked at your comment on Carol’s site, and I now own that book too. I’m a huge Eudora Welty fan.

  7. Pat

    Layanee – Bella takes after her (great)Granny in the Library, too.
    Dee – I’m so glad you have Jane’s book, too. I’d love to see that garden someday. Fair days were especially perfect this year.

  8. Wendy Roberts

    Be Still My Heart! Chocolate Chip Cookies, Garlic and Heath Fair blue ribbons. bliss.

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