I have seen images of the Green Man – but a few years ago I had a new friend and he had a new Green Man in front of his house. There are various ways that the Green Man is shown but a “common theme that runs through these figures would seem to be that of death and rebirth, and the Green that means life.” I was lucky to visit and see the Green Man – and his beautiful gardens.
When we were invited to see his gardens our friend Celt Grant began with flowers as a ridge around his lawn. If you have good eyes you can see the red Monardas and sunny sunflowers along with other flowers.
This is another group of flowers and next time I will bring along a book of flowers. Do you know any of these? Now we are off to the backyard.
The house seems to sit on a gentle rise in front, but when you get around the house, you get a great view, down the steps with flowers on every section and down to the center flowery design.
The stroll down the hill is quite breathtaking, but there is a lot to see – including the equipment shed – which includes pretty white benches in front of the shed.
These flowers are happy to have touched on the grass.
The honeysuckle has pulled itself from below the porch and is leaving extra flowers.
This was a lovely afternoon with friends and flowers. The Green Man was taking good care of all of us.