Marigolds are one of the standbys in my garden. They are so bright and long blooming. And now I know that marigolds are useful for weak eyes! There are many mysteries in the garden.
Wood sorrel is surely the Herb for the heart –
Its leaves are all heart shaped resembling that part!
For ague, some Aspen one must always take –
Don’t Aspens themselves always shiver and shake?
For ailments of windpipe there’s Garlic to swallow-
For, just like a windpipe, its stalk is quite hollow.
To tone up the blood, sap of Bloodroot is good.
Mucilaginous Comfrey the nose helps – or should!
Lungwort is used for pains in the chest-
Gray-spotted and lung-shaped – quite easily guesses.
Adder’s tongue always is snake-bite’s best bet!
If its rheumatic, use Willow; it grows where its wet!
As a tonic for baldness just where should one turn?
Why prepare an infusion of Maiden-hair fern!
Bright Marigolds’s extract is good for weak-eyes-
To see that would anyone need to be wise?
By Marguerite Hickernell and Ella Brewer 1947