A couple of days ago my husband and I strolled across the Shelburne, MA, Bridge of Flowers which attracts people from many of the US States – but we can visit these wonderful flowers from May until the last days of October.

Blue is a beautiful color!

Of course, Pink is a favorite color, too.

This lupine has a deep shade. Does it look like wine?

More beautiful pink flowers.

Are these really daisies? What do you think?

I think Carex is beautiful, and it is in the mode.

This is a shrub we have at home, and it is named Little Henry too. I could not resist – my husband is Henry, too.

I loved the color and lacy-ness of this shrub.

It is impossible to show all the flowers that are filled with flowers on the Bridge of Flowers, but there are lovely flowers at the beginning and the end of the Bridge. I hope you will all come and visit the Bridge of Flowers, and enjoy the beauties, and maybe you’ll be inspired and put a beautiful flower at your house.
So many lovely colors! Thanks for sharing. I tried to add ‘Little Henry’ Sweetspire here, but it wasn’t happy. I think maybe I don’t have enough sun for it. Maybe I’ll try it again, because it’s such a cute little plant. I wonder if your mystery plant is a collarette Dahlia?
Beth – There is going to be even more color as summer starts to show off. Our Henry shrub is larger than “Little Henry” but my Henry is a little larger. Thank you for giving me the “collarette” info. I think you are correct. Thanks for visiting.
Beautiful photos!
Just beautiful! I think perhaps the mystery flower (photo is below the white roses) is an anemone.
Brooke – I am glad you liked the flowers, but I think I can tell you that the flower you mention is not an anemone – but it remains a mystery. Thanks for visiting!