With Ready, Set, Grow! Timber Press is giving away books, lots of books, and a Moleskine journal to record your success as you put all the inspiration and advice to work in your garden for the next three months. Each month, March, April and May they will be giving a library of books away in a lottery. All you have to do is click here and enter. Whether you win the library or not, by checking this website you’ll get weekly tips on seed starting, cool weather crops and more as the season progress.
The Speedy Vegetable Garden which I wrote about here is just one of the March books you could win, PLUS other bo00ks like Sugar Snaps and Strawberries, The Book of Gardening Projects for Kids: 101 Ways to Get Kids Ouside, Dirty and Having Fun, The Anxious Gardener’s Book of Questions, and How to Buy the Right Plants, Tools and Garden Supplies. And even more books than that. No more troubling questions. Only anwers right at your fingertips. Or bedside. Or potting bench.
Don’t forget, there is a different lottery with different books every month. April and May are coming up. And lots of free advice along the way. Check it out.