More on Rain Barrels

  • Post published:12/25/2007
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There was so much response to the posting about rain barrels in Garden Rant that I want to pass on a link to Rebecca Chesin at her website with lots of information about making a rain barrel, and information from various dependable sources about the safety of water that has washed off the roof. I never thought that asphalt shingles or that the chemicals used in wooden shingles to make them rot-proof or moss resistent might make the…

Capturing the Rain

  • Post published:12/23/2007
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Susan Harris at Garden Rant recently wrote about the new interest in rain barrels. I personally haven't thought a lot about rain barrels since we visited our daughter Betsy who was working as a Peace Corps volunteer in Kenya in 1989. She was working on a gravity fed line from a spring to a newly built water storage tank. This would mean that women (and note that I am talking about women and children) would not have to…

Peter’s Travels

  • Post published:12/20/2007
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When Peter travels he needs to fill his eye with ART. And do he went looking for works by Louise Nevelson - and others. His journey continues.If a flâneur were to select the ideal urban spots for his dawdling, no doubt two of three places selected would be a park and a museum. Fortune smiled when our San Francisco trip’s plans included a visit to the de Young Museum, located in Golden Gate Park. The museum is newly…

Heifer and Me

  • Post published:12/19/2007
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I love my chickens. I 'd love to give everyone their own small flock to enjoy, all the strutting and sashaying, the color and pattern of the soft feathers, the clucking and even the squawking. And the eggs, too, of course. Unfortunatley this is impossible, but what I can do - and did do - is donate $20 to Heifer International who will give a small flock of chicks to a family to raise. The nutritious eggs will…

My Friend Peter, Traveler

  • Post published:12/18/2007
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My friend Peter is not a devoted gardener, but he is discerning and witty with a strong visual sense and a lot to say about the world around him. The following is his dispatch from San Francisco.Being an architect can be difficult if one lives in a rural and relatively remote part of the country. Architecture is largely an urban exercise. For an architect the city is his garden. Sometimes it can be highly instructive or illuminating to…

Jenny’s Garden

  • Post published:12/17/2007
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Jenny Ruhl bought a house in Gill four years ago and started a new garden. She also started a new website describing all the limitations of her landscape - rocks, thin soil, lots of shade - and then documented the 2007 garden year with wonderful photographs and brief text. Jenny's Garden can be seen at is the time of year when we can all review the garden year and think about 2008. This is what Jenny had…

I’m No Martha

  • Post published:12/17/2007
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I'm no Martha Stewart, but it doesn't take much skill to make a welcoming swag of trimmings from the balsam Christmas tree we cut from our snowbreak. While we were down in the field I took a few extra branches from a nearby pine that included little pine cones. Many people buy their holiday wreaths, garlands and swags at one of the numerous holiday fairs that benefit churches, schools and other worthy organizations. This is a Good Thing!…

Snow and the Wind Doth Blow

  • Post published:12/16/2007
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This the the view from my bedroom window on Sunday morning. The outbuilding is our Cottage Ornee where we spend fine summer Sunday afternoons with tea and the Sunday papers. Not today.And this is the view from my reading chair. Note the chicken waterer defrosting by the fire. No Sunday papers in this storm, so I am reading The Earth Moved: On the Remarkable Achievements of Earthworms by Amy Stewart, one of the witty and knowledgeable members of…

Eggs At Last!

  • Post published:12/14/2007
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The day old Americauna chicks we got the first of June have matured and are finally laying eggs!I have always been amazed that Auracaunas which origninated in Mexico did so well in our cold climate. I guess they have been slightly hybridized because the name has changed in the Murray McMurray catalog. We have had many breeds of chicken over the past 25 years, Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rocks, Buff Orpingtons, Silver Laced Wyandottes and even a few…

Our Snowbreak

  • Post published:12/13/2007
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The second winter here at the End of the Road there was a terrific storm. Not only did more than a foot of snow fall, there was wind. And the wind blew snow from our open fields down on to the road to our house. We were snowed in!We didn't mind. It is always fun to play hooky from work - not our fault! We sat by the fire, eating and reading and having a wonderful day. But…