P is for Peonies. Peonies are fabulous! Peonies are glamorous! Peonies will bloom for generations. Peonies are easy care. In the olden days you had to plant peony roots in the fall, but nowadays you can buy potted plants in the spring – and possibly even get a bloom your first season.

- I have bought and planted many peonies, but most of the names have been lost. The Peony Border in Heath had about two dozen varieties. I haven’t yet figured out where to plant them in my new garden.

Most of my peonies were pale pinks a nd white. It is because “Kansas was so different that I was able to remember its name.

I have written about my peonies more fully here. For all the information you will ever need about all varieties of peonies click here for the American Peony Society.
Click here to see who else is posting every day during the A to Z challenge.
I love peonies and hope to add some more this year. Your pics are lovely.
another lover of peonies – we had one in the garden when I moved into a new home when I married- deep red-purple
Denise – We are still working out our garden design around wet areas, but I have hopes that by the fall, traditional time for planting peony roots, I’ll be able to add at least a couple of peonies.
Zannierose – One year we planted 9 peonies to celebrate a wedding anniversary. You can’t have too many peonies.
Gorgeous flowers. Thanks for sharing.
I love peonies.