It’s May and the flowers that bloom in the spring are beginning to show themselves. Lots of gold in May, not counting the dandelions.
The barren strawberry plants on The Hugel are thriving and blooming. They are not really strawberry plants at all. It’s just that Waldsteinia have strawberry-like foliage and flowers.
Trollius laxa is a more lackadaisical form of Trollius europaeus, which is taller and even more golden. It is also called globeflower which is more prominent in the T. europaeus plant.
The sun has shone on these golden beauties but we have been very grateful for t he 1-1/2 inch of rain this week.
I shutter when I think someone is actually planting wild strawberries. They take over here if I would let them. This plant is pretty though. I love primroses but alas I can’t grow them. Sometimes I can’t resist buying them when available during early spring due to their crayola colors. They are so cheerful.