I bought this beautiful white Japanese iris from Andrew Wheeler at Iris Foxbrook Farm in Colrain . Japanese irises bloom in July, later than the Siberian irises. The flower is flatter, but comes in an array of beautiful colors. I always thought they needed a wet site, but Andrew said they just needed to be kept well watered, especially up until bloom time. That is why I planted this beauty Hakuroko-ten near the house – which makes it near the hose.

This spot is also near my tiny Early (vegetable) Garden so the soil is rich, with compost added every year. Japanese Iris are heavy feeders and enjoy rotted manure and compost. This location also makes it easy for me to admire frequently during its short bloom time. There are more buds, but this is my only Japanese iris.
I adore these and have several in spots where they are moist or wet through spring which has helped them to come back bigger and better. I do not fertilize them though but I think the leaf rot and vegetation that fades through the year has kept them fertilized.