Although I am still surrounded by lawns and fields of snow, the sun has been shining with the predictable result. The snow is melting slowly and almost invisibly.
Melted snow is running off and down the road. Have I ever mentioned that we live on a hill? Some of this water is actually coming from the hill that continues to rise behind our house.
Is this water from the invisible melt beneath the snow, or is it coming from one of the many intermittent streams in our field, sometimes flowing just beneath the surface?
One April when two four year grandsons and I went off for a walk we never got further than this ditch filled with running water. Dams and boats and a busy waterfront were constructed. There was mud and joyful shouts of ‘Gooey! Gooey!” I had to hose the boys off before I could bring them back in the house.
My husband got this frog’s eye view of the rushing water that gained volume and speed before plunging into the culvert.
As warm as it has been during the day, the nights are still clear and cold. The maple sugarers rejoice.
I bet it is exciting to hear that water rushing as it heralds the coming of spring.
Lisa – I love the sound of rushing water. It is a spring symphony.
Good luck with the muddy road! You’ll have daffs before you know it………
It’s nice to see all that show melting. I’m sure you’re eager to meet all those roses again. 🙂
Tinky – The road is actually holding up pretty well.
Andre – I am eager for roses! I continue to enjoy the rivulates sparkling down the road.