Indoor Seed Planting Preparation for Microgreens

  • Post published:03/04/2014
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Microgreen seeds

Indoor seed planting preparaation for microgreens – or for any seeds – begins with seeds. Botanical Interests Seeds  are sold at the Greenfield Farmers Coop – as  well as many other brands of veggies and flower seeds.

Seed starting supplies

The Farmers Coop also sells all the supplies you will need to start your seeds, planting trays, watering trays and seed starting mix which makes it easy for those seeds to get a good start.

Seeds in planting trays

I put some of the soilless seed starting mix in a metal mixing bowl and dampen it. It absorbs quite a lot of water. Then I put sufficient seed mix in each of the planting trays and scatter the seeds over the patted down mix.  I have two trays of Savory mix and one of pea mix. I’ll plant more trays in another week or so.

Seeds covered with soilless mix

I cover the seeds  with dry seed starting mix and pat it down a little. The seed trays all have dainage holes  and are arranged in the watering tray. I then pour enough water in  the watering tray so that it can be absorbed by osmosis into each planting tray. This easy watering method does not disturb the soil planting mix at all. This is the way I water  all my indoor seed planting.

I can’t grow a whole salad of microgreens every day, but I can add a daily handful to my storebought greens for extra nutrition and zip.


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