Warm Colors Apiary will once again hold its annual “Honey Festival”. Warm Colors has been hosting the Honey Festival for more than twelve years. The festival is a celebration of the Honeybee and our native pollinators. It is an opportunity to recognize the many contributions beekeepers, and their bees, make to agriculture and the health of our environment. Bonita and Dan Conlon open their eighty-acre apiary to the public to enjoy its beauty and explore its wildlife habitat. The event is free and open to all who have an interest in bees and beekeeping. Talk with county beekeepers, walk the Busy Bee nature trail, sample this season’s honey, Green River Ambrosia’s mead, and purchase a honey ice cream cone made by Beth Cook (Flavors of Cooks Farm) with Warm Colors wildflower honey. Bring the family and a picnic, stay for an hour or for the entire day. Honey, beeswax candles and other products will be available for sale. This is a rain or shine event (no rain date).
- When: Saturday September 15th, 2012
- Time: 10:00AM – 4:00PM
- Location: Warm Colors Apiary 2 South Mill River Rd. South Deerfield, MA. 01373
I have written about my visit to Warm Colors Apiary here. Don Conlon and his wife Bonita are a great couple doing such good work.