Today the chicks are one month old! We celebrated by moving half of them down to their new home in The Dell with Sheila. She rebuilt their chicken house to make it snug and safe. Three strong women, Sheila, her daughter Katelynn, and I squeezed into our henhouse to separate out the Buff Orpingtons, New Hampshire Reds, Silver Laced Wyandottes and Black Stars from the Barred Rocks, Dominiques and Araucanas. Sheila lost count as Katelynn handed them off to be popped into a big cardboard box, but when they were counted out into their new space all 24 were accounted for.
We are left with 18 chicks, but more will move out. BJ is getting six and Kate is getting four. The rest will refresh my flock of layers. I have a good setup for brooding chicks, so I was glad to do it for the whole delivery. I think the chicks feel more secure being part of a good sized flock. Right now they are all happy with their new space. The brooding box has been upended and the chicks have more room to spread their wings. These are the flightiest chicks I have ever had. They are all layers, but will not be producing eggs until right about Christmastime. A nice present for us.
What fun to have a birds eye view of what goes on with chickens. Part of my desire to have them makes this so interesting to me. They are beginning to look like chickens now.
Happy Birthday to the chicks! Looks like they have a nice, solid home–I’m sure they’ll enjoy being part of a bigger family now.
Nice to see one’s babies find a good home.
Looks like a great space! Our chicks are growing fast – 18 total (Rhode Island Reds; Araucanas and Brown Wyandottes) as well as two turkeys (male and female). They know their business! Rise early and out combing the fields for bugs and buds and back in their shelter at sunset. I love watching them. Enjoy.
Tinky – Heath is a good home for all chicks.
Kara – My chickens are eating all the bolted spinach. Do you think those will be iron rich eggs?
Absolutely! Unfortunately mine are eating my roses! Arghh. Do you think those will be fragrant eggs! 🙂
Kara – now you know why I like having the hen house in back of the house, and a fence that keeps them in most of the time.