The Holiday Weekend started for me on Friday afternoon when I visited the Heath School’s Garden Day. The classes have been working before now, of course, but on Garden Day, the whole day is given over to planting, weeding, mulching – and learning. I am impressed with their energy, which I expected, but also with the quality of the child-sized tools they are using. Many hands make light work was certainly the motto on Friday.
You may wonder what is with all the stones and stone -like things in the Shed Bed, but you have to remember that the Shed Bed is right next to the hen house and for the past couple of months the chickens have considered this their personal Lido for taking dust baths. First I kept the chickens in the hen house today. Then I finished weeding and edging, dug in some nice rotted manure and lime, and planted the little annual salvias that edge this bed every year. This is the way I fudge not being able to grow a lavender hedge.
You can’t really tell, but I also put tiny annual dianthus along the west edge of the Lawn Grove, as well as nine cosmos seedlings. The big task was planting the weeping cherry that I bought at Home Depot. I hope that was a wise decision. It’s been watered and mulched with wood chips. You can see a small hardy azalea blooming on the far side of the grove. Lots of weeding.
The garden is progressing faster and faster. Everytime I turn around something new has come into bloom. This tree peony is so lovely. The translation of the name is Guan Yin’s Face. Guan Yin is the Goddess of Compassion and surely hers is the most beautiful of faces.
Boule de Neige and Rangoon have been slowly opening, but with temperatures in the 80s for two days they came into full bloom in the shady bed next to the Cottage Ornee.
Last year I found this rhodie forgotten and languishing in the weeds at the edge of the ‘orchard.’ I dug it up and this time I transplanted it properly, “Keep it simple, just a dimple,” as my rhododendron expert says. I think it is Calsap. What a lovely surprise to have it survive and put out new growth and bloom!
The lilacs are blooming and perfuming the air. We even spent some time enjoying the beauty and fragrance of the garden: we opened the Cottage officially and entertained two friends who we see all too infrequently. A perfect weekend.
Pat, I realized it has been awhile since I have had time to visit. Your garden has really come into its own!
Oops, I meant to add that the rhododendron and tree peony are gorgeous! The rhodie will appreciate its new home, I’m sure.
Rose – I love tree peonies, AND I just found another tiny rhodie in the weeds. I’ll move it after it stops blooming.