My friend Peter and I drove into Manhattan for a day of wandering and listening to the symphony of the city, so it was appropriate and easy to park under Lincoln Center. I got to see all the changes and new construction. Then we were off to the subway and downtown. We saw lots of flowers . . .
flowers on clothes,
flowers on silk brocades (lots of flowers at Pearl River),
flowers on pillows,
and flowers on china. As the commonweeder I really liked this plate but I didn’t buy it.
We saw flowers outside the windows,
we saw sparkly mosaic flowers inside the windows.
If there are mosaic flowers, there are bound to be mosaic butterflies, even in the concrete canyons of SoHo.
We saw armloads of flowers in street corner shops,
and pots full of flowers at fancy florist shops. When it was time to start finding our way home we found the scene had changed at Lincoln Center.
A farmer’s market had been set up right in front of Barnes and Noble and across the street from Lincoln Center. Fruits . . . .
and vegetables, too. Cauli – flowers!
Of course we saw roses. On the street corners, in the fancy shops and even in the fancy food shops like Dean and Deluca. What a day!
Well I’m really loving the window displays and so nice to see dandelion sees that don’t scatter ;).
Thank you for giving to Operation Christmas Child. I was just at a woman’s conference this weekend that showed giving from the hearts of women all over the world and now I’m happily emotionally blessed but exhausted. That is how a group of woman can be huh? We talked a lot!
Anna – I think flowers, in city or country, lighten our hearts when we have good work to do, and you have done Good Work. I’m glad to be a part of Operation Christmas Child and I’ll get up my link. As you can see I’ve been away.
Me so jealous! Peter! Take me to New York!!!
BJ – It was a great trip with TWO Peters. Maybe we’ll get NYBG Peter out to the contry.