Chickens have been much on my mind over the past two weeks as I participated in The Chicken Encyclopedia virtual book tour with the participation of 15 of us chicken loving bloggers. I am one of the bloggers who gave away a copy of the book and passed on some information. However, I also passed on some misinformation. Happily I have been corrected by Gail Damerow and the editors at Storey Publishing and I want to make the correction.
I said that when a chicken egg is fertilized the chick develops from the white, and the yolk supplies nourishment. I got that half right. Gail correctly explains, “The germinal spot on the surface of the yolk is what becomes the chick”.
So a more accurate description of what happens is that a pale, irregularly shaped spot of cells on the surface of an egg yolk is fertilized and then becomes the embryo. So technically the chick develops within the white, but not from the white. My apologies.
Now, to celebrate National Poultry Day Storey is giving Storey blog readers a chance to win: a signed copy of The Chicken Encyclopedia, a signed copy of Chick Days by Jenna Woginrich and The Fresh Egg Cookbook by Jennifer Trainer Thompson, as well as an “I’m a Chick Magnet” refrigerator magnet and a chicken-breed poster. Kathy Mormino, from ADozenGirlz, The Chicken Chick™, has donated a gift certificate for custom egg carton labels and a super-cute “Got Eggs?” T-shirt. Fellow blogger Lisa fromFresh Eggs Daily has donated a rustic handpainted mailbox sign (with hanging chalkboard) and a chicken window decal. And we top it all off with For the Love of Poultry, a special anthology of the entire first year of Backyard Poultry magazine! This basket of chicken goodies could be yours if you leave a comment here or on the appropriate post of the Storey Facebook page. There are two baskets so you have a double chance to win.
You even have a another second chance to win all those goodies by going to the Mother Earth News blog or their Facebook page. Leave your entry comments by March 25.
To end the tour I want to remind you of all the chicken lovers and experts who you might want to visit again when you are in need of more information or inspiration.
3/5 Common Weeder
3/7 Garden Rant
3/8 Fresh Eggs Daily
3/10 Coop Thoughts
3/11 BoHo Farm and Home
3/12 Happy Chickens Lay Healthy Eggs
3/13 A Charlotte Garden
3/14 Farm Fresh Fun
/14 Farm Fresh Fun
3/15 The HenCam
3/17 ADozenGirlz, the Chicken Chick™
What a wonderful bunch of chicken goodies! I would love to win them!
Alison – Be sure and leave your entry comment on the Storey and/or Mother Earth sites. The links are in the post.
All comments to win this Giveaway have to be in by March 25.