I hope this photo give some sense of the amazing bloom of the Sargent crabapple. It is not 15 feet tall, but it is at least 15 feet wide and was planted about 15 years ago. It thrives in the Sunken Garden even though it is very wet in the spring. It is now in full flower – almost a single tree-sized blossom at this point.
This apple tree, name unknown, produces apples but they are not the best apples I’ve ever eaten. I do use them in apple sauce and apple pie as part of the mix. The tree usually takes a beating from the plow when it makes the turn in front of the house.
These apple blossoms are on the Liberty semi dwarf tree in the ‘orchard’. All apple blossoms are so lovely. I hope they were open long enough to get pollinated. Some of our trees are beginning to leaf out. The grass looks as though we had a big wedding today.
That crabapple is amazing. It is framed perfectly so it can be appreciated.
It must smell heavenly in your garden at the end of the road. Lovely.
Pat, I have a similarly lovely view from my window.
The problem: Our ornamental apple has tons of sprouts that come up from the ground every year. Clearly it was planted too deep when it was first set in. Last year I tried to kind of dig down around it. Is there no remedy? -janice