This perfect enough Cold Frame was assembled in 2010 as a temporary project. I think I will be using it again this year.

We could have covered the temporary cinder block cold frame with an old window, but when the pyramidal skylight was delivered for our Cottage Ornee some years ago the delivery truck driver delivered it to my neighbor’s house down the hill and took the big box out of the truck. My neighbor called me down to get it, but I couldn’t carry it in my car, so with a great sigh the driver put it back in his very full truck and with a strong heave closed the truck door. Oh – oh. He bent the metal frame that would make a weatherproof seal when it was installed at the peak of the Cottage. Well, the company had to send us another skylight, but they didn’t want the bent one back. It has been waiting for just such a moment to make itself useful.
The skylight rests on the cinderblocks. When I need cooler air and circulation I prop it open with a stone, or I can remove it altogether. Temporarily.

When the seedlings were big enough I transplanted them into the Front Garden and covered them with a floating row cover. It was to protect them from ravenous rabbits even more than cold weather. It was a perfect enough solution pinned down with rocks, bricks and a board or two. Perfect Enough. That is the cry at The End of the Road when we complete our projects. Perfect Enough! I wrote about this last year here.
That was a very resourceful use of the skylight. It looks good too! “Perfect enough” is a good motto.
I always want to start plants early, lol – Sometimes I start to early!
I really like your cold frame. Don’t you just love it when you can repurpose something!!