June is Bustin’ Out All Over – With Roses in Every Shade

  • Post published:06/02/2021
  • Post comments:2 Comments
Carefree Beauty Rose – Dr. Griffith Buck creation

June is bustin’  out all over with roses and surprises. In my Heath garden the roses did not start blooming until mid June. But today several roses are blooming, and their are lots of buds ready to open.

The Carefree Beauty Rose was a Griffith Buck rose developed at the Iowa State University. It is just one of the many roses he developed to be hardy and long blooming.

Folksinger – Dr. Griffith Buck Rose

Folksinger, another Buck rose in  a tender bronze shade.

Quietness Rose – Dr. Griffith Buck – a tender shade of pink.
Purington Pink rose an old  country rose was given to me years ago by dear friends.
Thomas Affleck rose, vigorous  and beautiful, blooming into the fall.
Purple Rain – Kordes rose. I don’t know why this petite rose was named Purple Rain, but there are mysteries in  the world of roses. This is another carefree rose to delight.
Oso Easy “Paprika” – This is one of the new low growing ‘landscape’ roses that will bloom for a long season.

When I was young, and did not have any roses, I thought they were fussy plants, and always seemed to demand a lot of work. It was not until I discovered Old Roses, that were tough – and fragrant –  and romantic – with a history.  When I first grew roses in Heath the danger was the cold. Now that I am in Greenfield, the danger is too much water.  No matter, these roses are tough and beautiful – and make me happy.


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Beth@PlantPostings

    Oh, what a beautiful collection you have! I think ‘Folksinger’ is my favorite…something about those soft shades of peach. <3

  2. Pat

    Beth – I am glad that my computer finally welcomed you. Folksinger is a great rose. I also love shades of peach. My newest rose is the Grimm Brother Fairy Tale and the orange/yellow color of the rose is really unusual. You might like this rose, especially after the first day.

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