How We Feed the Hungry in Our Community

  • Post published:08/09/2012
  • Post comments:0 Comments
Ev Hatch's tomatoes for the hungry

It is ever harder to feed the hungry in our community. So many people have been unemployed for a long time. Many other people have only part-time jobs or minimum wages jobs that do not pay enough to pay all a family expenses. We have several ways that we try to feed the hungry in our community.

There are food pantries like the Center for Self Reliance, the Salvation Army and the Survival Center. We have breakfast and lunch programs for our children. Churches have meals and food distributions. Ev Hatch is again planting a field for the hungry.  Food is distributed – but where does that food come from? More and more it has to come from those of us who can still comfortably feed our children. The government has made less and less surplus food available and the pending farm bill cuts food stamps further.

What can you do to help feed the hungry? A special opportunity is coming up. The Belly Bus is coming to Greenfield on Friday, August 17 from 3-5 pm on the Greenfield Common. Some businesses are collecting food, but anyone, everyone can bring food items to the Belly Bus that afternoon.  If you can’t get there you can send a check  to Community Action/Hunger Task Force at Community Action, 393 Main Street, Greenfield 01301. Donations will make it possible to buy food at low cost from the Food Bank of Western Massachusetts.

And any day you have too much produce coming out of the garden you can bring that surplus down to Greenfield to the Salvation Army or the Center for Self Reliance. We can all help feed the hungry in our community – and pray that the need diminishes soon.

You can also attend the Free Harvest Supper in Greenfield on Sunday, August 19. All food and cooking and serving is provided by volunteers. This celebration of the wonderful food and cooks in our part of the world is totally free with all kinds of entertainment provided as well. HOWEVER, if you are a person who can make a donation that money will go to buy coupons for clients of the food pantries so they can also buy fresh produce at the Farmer’s Market. Last year $3000 was donated. A great event anda  gift for the community on many levels. If you want to add to the fund for Farmer’s Market vouchers anytime you can send a check to the Center for Self Reliance at 3-1/2 Osgood Street, Greenfield 01301 and mark the check Free Harvest Supper.


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