My Black Beauty lilies are planted in the herb bed along the piazza in front of the house. Here their tall turk’s cap blossoms are high in the sun, but their roots are well shaded by the tarragon, garlic chives and bee balm.
They have lived up to their publicity. They are trouble free vigorous growers and are considered one of the best lilies of the 20th century. I have had no trouble with disease or pests since I planted them four years ago. I love it when I find a glamorous and striking plant that requires so little care.
The soil in the herb bed is well drained. I dig in a little compost every spring, as I try to do everywhere in the garden. This comes under the heading of feeding the soil, not the plant. I use no other fertilizer.
Soon it will be lily planting time again; I’m considering what other lilies I might add. My regal lily did win first prize at the Heath Fair this year, and perfumed that corner of the Exhibit Hall.