The Forbes Library Garden Tour descripton of this garden included a ‘rock garden’. This is not the kind of rock garden I expected, but it made a great edge between the road and the ‘real’ rock garden that is comprised of native plants, and larger stones. I thought it resembled a dry river bed. Though not intended to support flowers, it is possible to see some tiny wild flowers making themselves at home in this unusual rock garden.

The dry river bed, and the real rock garden surrounding a large tree make up most of the front yard in this suburban street. The owner of this garden said she had been devoted to reducing lawn for 40 years! There is a bit of lawn. The property backs up onto a woodland where deer wander and the lawn helps reduce ticks. An important consideration.

The same type of rocks are used for the roof driplines . A nice touch. And only one of the nice touches in this beautiful garden.
Do you have a rock garden? Of any kind?
I use pebbles and small rocks around the edge of my pond to make it accessible to frogs, birds and other wildlife.