Have you been longing for fresh greens and the chance to meet the farmers in our area? Long no more. It is time for Winterfares! This Saturday the winter farmer’s market will be held at the Smith Vocational School in Northampton on January 15 from 10 am to 2 pm. Fresh greens, apples, honey, yogurt, root veggies, local grain, bread, the Soup Cafe (bring your own cup) and workshops. This is a delicious and healthy event – pure delight. Don’t forget to bring your own shopping bags.
Also, mark your calendars for the 4th Annual Winterfare at Greenfield High School on Saturday, February 5, again from 10 am – 2pm. More fresh food, more workshops, more fun.
You’re so lucky to have a place like this! Our local farmers’ market closes down in December and doesn’t open up again till spring.
Rose – We are lucky – and lucky to have people devoted to fresh local food who make this happen. Lots of volunteers.