Rosa Mundi is an ancient striped gallica rose – rosa gallica versicolor. A good friend gave me this rose many years ago and has proved its hardiness by surviving this long. It has not increased in size, but it returns to bloom every June. It is listed as hardy to Zone 4, so why hasn’t it thrived? If I am honest I must assess the planting site. Although it is said to be tolerant of some shade, I think this spot next to the Cottage Ornee is too shady. Nor does it get the water that roses love because it is too close to the Cottage which has a fairly deep overhang. I keep thinking I should move it to a more congenial spot. I am starting a list of plants that should be moved this fall. Rosa Mundi, possibly named after the Fair Rosamund, mistress of Henry II who lived in the 12th century must be moved. This fall I will give the fragrant Fair Rosamund a better bed.
This is not only lovely eye candy it makes me want to take a bite out of it. Yummmm
Lisa – when I first heard of striped roses I thought they must be bizarre – but they are simply lovely. I had a Camieux, but it finally died. I am going to have to get another one.
She is a lovely lady that Rosa Mundi. I don’t have her though. I’ll enjoy yours.~~Dee
Dee – I’m glad to share my roses with one and all, but I wish you could have been here.