My Logo

  • Post published:03/25/2011
  • Post comments:5 Comments
Commonweeder logo

When I began my blog, slightly more than three years ago, I had just finished reading The Uncommon Reader, a delightful short comic novel by Alan Bennett.  I am a reader and understood the reference to Virginia Woolf’s Common Reader essays so the phrase ‘common reader’ was whirling around in my brain  when I thought of that most common of weeds – the dandelion.  I thought the dandelion was a perfect flower to refer to me; I am a Leo and those distinctive leaves are the dent de lion, the teeth of the lion, and I am a cheerful person, and though no one has ever used the term sunny to describe me, I love the sunny shaggy dandelion flowers.  What else could I name my blog but The Commonweeder.

Yesterday I spent an hour with my friend Cara Hochhalter, and she helped me make a block print of a dandelion that I will use as a logo.  I am not an artist, but I am very happy with the way this turned out, needing only a bit more tweaking of the block, and figuring out how to make the blossom a tiny bit bolder.  What do you think?

I used a Safety-Kut soft printing block from Daniel Smith which made the task much easier and faster.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Laurrie

    I love it! The look, the personal identificiations to go with it. It’s perfect.

  2. Emily


  3. Lisa at Greenbow

    You certainly are an artist. You paint beautiful pictures with words and your garden is a work of art. I think the woodblock print is perfect. Maybe you need a more golden color for the dandelion blossom.?? It would be more distinctive.

  4. Tinky

    You and Cara have outdone yourselves! I love it….

  5. Pat

    It was great fun to do – and I am working on the color of the flower. It does need to be bolder.

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