Horse Chestnut Tree Flowers and Primroses in the Swamp

  • Post published:05/22/2023
  • Post comments:6 Comments
Horse Chestnut

This horse chestnut tree marks the boundary of our garden. It is majestic!

Horse Chestnut in Bloom

The blossoms are large and can make a very pretty bouquet.

Horse Chestnut

Our tree is very large with thick foliage that sometimes keeps blossoms in the shade.


Primroses grow in the swamp very close to the horse chestnut tree.


There is no need to take care of primroses – and they come in different colors.

A real Horse Chestnut

My husband was working in  the garden and noticed the horse chestnut leaves growing among the flowers. He pulled it  out of the ground – and there was a chestnut.  Those horse chestnuts do turn up all over the garden because the squirrels eat the chestnuts as soon as they begin to fall  to the ground- and then they  plant  extras so they can dig them up in the winter. But they never get them all.


This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Thom

    Thanks Pat for focusing on the Horse Chestnut.
    I am having problems with mine and transplanted it once. But it just barely gets by. Now I read up on it and realize it needs a wetter spot. Wish I knew this thirty years ago when it was first planted.
    Enjoying your posts……

  2. Pat

    Thom – Thanks for coming by. I’m sorry you had trouble getting a lovely Horse Chestnut. The secret to our tree – and our whole garden – is a wet ground. But I gather you are now with a good tree.

  3. Beth@PlantPostings

    That is a beautiful tree–the blooms and the form. I think I need to plant one. 🙂

  4. Pat

    Beth – The tree is stunning at this time of the year. It is TALL and lovely.

  5. liubingxin

    Thanks for your blogger,love rose

  6. Pat

    I’m glad you love roses! Keep watching for the BLOOM!

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