The New York Times Magazine had a story on Sunday about Crop Mobs down in North Carolina. The idea is that volunteer ‘pop up farmers’ can show up at a farm to slave away for a day or afternoon, doing all that labor intensive work that small farms have so much of.
I know the Greenfield Garden Club has Weed Mobs before their annual garden tour, but I wonder if any local farms need a Crop Mob? I’ll bet there are farmer wannabees around. An afternoon of Crop Mobbing might be just the education they need. Farming aside, “Anywhere there is dirt, community will grow.”
I read that article and thought it was such a great idea. I just wish we had more market farmers around my area. (Though I live in a rural area, there aren’t that many that are interested in market farming.) Love your photo in your last post of the kitties. They look nice and warm.
Jean, happily for us there is a growing number of market farms in our area, as you can see from my Winterfare posts.