Bridge of Flowers Gains New Fame

  • Post published:12/10/2015
  • Post comments:3 Comments


Bridge of Flowers
Bridge of Flowers, Shelburne Falls, MA

This post is a little off the subject, but as a member of the Bridge of Flowers committee I can’t help blowing the Bridge’s horn. The famed magazine Architectural Digest has opened their on-line article about elevated gardens around the world  with our beautiful Bridge of Flowers in Shelburne Falls. They even noted that our Bridge is probably the first renovated Bridge in the United States. Our Bridge of Flowers now attracts thousands of visitors every year and sends each one home with new inspiration for their own gardens.

Tokyo’s Bridge is already in place, but we’ll have to wait a couple of years more before the Bridges in London, Rotterdam and Washington D.C. are planted. I am so glad we inspired all these other grand and green Bridges. Surely we can take credit, can’t we?

Terrariums: Gardens Under Glass by Maria Colletti
Terrariums: Gardens Under Glass by Maria Colletti

REMINDER – There is still time to leave a comment here and win a copy of Terrariums: Gardens Under Glass as well as my own book, The Roses at the End of the Road, when I have the Giveaway Drawing on Monday, December 14.


The Roses at the End of the Road by Pat Leuchtman
The Roses at the End of the Roa

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Lisa at Greenbow

    I don’t blame you for tooting the horn for your bridge. I would love to see it some day.
    I already have your book. I would love the terrarium book tho. I have three terrariums and I would have a dozen if I had room for them. 🙂

  2. marjorie

    The Bridge of Flowers does inspire and so do you, Pat!

  3. Dee

    I’m proud of you guys and your bridge and glad other cities are following suit. Let’s green the world. ~~Dee

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