We are big fans of the Franklin Land Trust and have supported them in our own small way over the years – including being a part of their Farm and Garden Tour last year. We join in celebrating their 25th anniversary, 25 years of protecting our precious land. We also celebrate the programs they put on for the public like this:
THURSDAY, March 10, 2012, 12-3 pm, the Franklin Land Trust will offer a special event in conjunction with their year-long 25th anniversary celebration. Wildlands, Woodlands, and Farmlands: the Past and Future of New England Forests and Farming with Brian Donahue takes place at the Great Falls Discovery Center, 2 Ave A, Turners Falls. Join in a broad-ranging lecture and discussion about the future of the New England landscape. FREE. Advance registration required. Co-sponsored by the Conway School Graduate Program in Sustainable Landscape Planning & Design. Contact 413.625.9151 x108 or lalvord@franklinlandtrust.orgto register.
Even if you cannot make this excellent program, the Great Falls Discovery Center is a wonderful place to visit – with children or alone. There are beautiful dioramas of the different habitats of the Connecticut Watershed – and you can look out at the canal and the old factories that tell of the rich industrial history of the area.