Wedding Voyeurs at Mendota Lake

  • Post published:06/04/2018
  • Post comments:4 Comments

After spending our first day  in Madison at the Olbrich Botanical Garden, we settled in at the Edgewater Hotel and planned the rest of our stay, but got something unexpected – not just one wedding, but three.

Concert at the Edgewater Hotel
Bluegrass concert at the Edgewater Hotel in Madison Wisconsin

The bluegrass concert began – loudly  – at 7 pm but fortunately ended at 9 pm promptly.

Bride of wedding number 1

On Saturday morning we looked out our window and saw a Bride in a beautiful lace wedding dress walking across the  dock.

Bride and Groom
Bride, Groom and Photographers

She met her groom, and the photographers further out on the dock.

Wedding attendants
Mother of the groom and Wedding attendants

Meanwhile the mother of the groom and the  other wedding attendants were having their photographs taken on solid ground. After many many photographs had been taken, this group left the hotel terrace. But . . .

Flower girl
Flower Girl

suddenly a flower girl arrived on the dock.  She stood very still looking out over the lake. What was she thinking? Of her own future as a bride when she would walk down an isle? Then . . .

The Bride
The Bride arrives

and they both stood still looking out over the lake. What was the bride thinking?  Oh, what a glorious day for the happiest day of my life?  Oh, no. What am I doing? How will I last the day?

wedding attendants
Wedding attendants

The Bridal attendants arrived, and watched the last of the Bride and Groom  photos being taken.

Bride and Groom arrive

The Bride and groom arrive and continue taking directions from the photographers – and the videographer. Now bop along the dock!  Now give a cheer! Now – now – now.  It was quite a production.

We left our window and saw that 250 chairs had been set up in the hotel plaza, for this wedding, but there was also a double decker bus waiting to take many of the guests on a tour of Madison.

Then, as the sun was hanging low over the water, we saw another bride and groom walk out on the dock, with only a single photographer. Their photos were taken without noticeable instruction or fanfare – and we got no photos of  the third bride.

At least there were no disasters. Last summer I was a voyeur of a wedding in Pennsylvania – and there was a disaster just before the wedding was to begin.  However, a happy wedding ceremony – and a happy life –  does not depend on the roses.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Helen Opie

    What a set of treats! And your garden tours &c besides! Thanks for the vicarious good time!

  2. Pat

    Helen – It was a wonderful trip, friends, history, agriculture, and weddings. Good to be home, though.

  3. I’m so glad you had a nice time in Madison. The weather was nicer than it had been, so visiting the botanical garden and the farmer’s market were good options. How fun to see all the wedding people. 🙂

  4. Pat

    Beth – Thanks to you our introduction to Wisconsin, and to Madison which was an absolute delight. YOu must be familiar with the Farmers Market crowd, but we were really impressed. The views of wedding photography was an extra benefit. We shall return!

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