I spent a lot of time working, one way and another, in the Friends of the Heath Free Public Library Book tent. This book sale and raffle is our big fund raiser of the year.
The Book Tent is a good place to read, and eat homemade pie a la mode, and to visit. But there is a lot to see at the Fair.
Food preservation is a hot topic in the general culture these days, but canning is a traditional Heath skill.
The Exhibit Hall is full of wonderful entries, artistic, agricultural, and natural history. This ball gown made of egg crates welcomed visitors to the Hall.
There was only one entry is the perfect breakfast category, but no question that it would be a prize winner any time.
My garlic guru naturally won first prize. Mine looked almost as good.
The Heath School was only one of several organizations that put up big exhibits. The garden is doing beautifully.
Of course, we wanted to see the grandsons’ exhibits. Anthony won a First for his duct tape mosaic.
His brother Drew won Third for his Not So Perfect House Sculpture. I think he’s been taking notes while staying at our house.
There are lots of things to DO at the Fair. Blueberry and whipped cream eating contests, Firemen’s BBQ to eat, a ladies skillet toss, gymkanas, ox and horse pulls, tractor pull, too. Tricia went down to the new barn building. This year they had a goat show for the first time. This goat was not entered.
At the Historical Society’s barn master weaver Sue Gruen was showing us all how to weave. Rory caught on fast.
His brother Tynan was equally quick to learn.
There are several parades over the course of the Fair including the Oxen Parade, and an antique tractor parade. This was the final ‘big’ parade which included a couple of floats, fancy old cars, fire engines and more tractors. Most of these tractors are still in use and remind us that although the dairy farms are gone, fields are being tended for hay, sunflowers, and corn. We treasure our agricultural history . . .
and look forward to a new generation carrying on.

The Ladies Aid exhibit in the Hall featured another important historical artifact. One of the ladies found a half made signature quilt in the back of a closet. Not her closet. The signature quilt had been started many years ago, and included the signatures of a generation that has passed. They decided to finish the quilt adding their own signatures. What a treasure this quilt is. A treasure that reflects the richness of our life here in Heath. We are blessed.
BJ – I should have showed you the duct tape hat he made!
The Heath Fair is a wonderful tradition! I am so sorry we couldn’t be there. Thank you for entering our art!