Water Gardens on Bloom Day – August 2018

bloom day
Garden Bloggers Bloom Day waterworks

On this Garden Bloggers Bloom Day the big event is water and more water. Just to give you the full force you  can see  how deep the water is right in front of the garden shed at the back of the garden. This is the worst spot, and it is the beginning of the lake the garden has become.

Black eyed susans
Black eyed susans in the bed nearest the back door

One of my hose guard wine bottles in ready to float away.

Thalictrum aka meadow rue

Meadow rue has such tiny delicate flowers it doesn’t photograph very well, at least not for me, but I love it and don’t want to leave it off the Bloom Day list.

Cardinal Flower, daylilies 'altissima' and joe pye weed
Cardinal Flower, daylilies ‘altissima’ and joe pye weed

Beyond the joe pye weed is  the dappled willow – thriving in the flood – but it confuses the photo.

Joe pye weed
A different joe pye weed

This joe pye weed grows on the other side of the garden, next to a lavender Monarda fistulosa that is too weary and laid down to be photographed.

Honeysuckle and morning glories
Honeysuckle and morning glories

Set against the south fence the honeysuckle and Grandpa Ott morning glories don’t suffer very much.

Hydrangeas, phlox, roses
Hydrangeas, phlox, roses

These hydrangeas, phlox and roses are growing in the South Border, the driest part of the garden. the closer you get to the back garden, the wetter it gets.

Flowery hellstrip (tree strip) in front of the house
Flowery hellstrip (tree strip) in front of the house

I can give a nice Bloom Day hooray when we get to the hellsrip – echinacea, yarrow, still a couple of daylilies, Centaurea montana, and bee balms.  The rain has given rise to many many weeds.

Bloom day
A final Bloom Day view

On  this Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day I give thanks for plants like the blacked susans and to Carol over at May Dreams Gardens who hosts a day when we can all share the delights and challenges of our gardens.

This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. It seems like we are all either too wet or too dry this Summer, but gardens and gardeners are very resilient
    You have a great collections of blooms! Love the Black-eyed Susans!
    Happy Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day!

  2. Nadezda

    Hi, Pat!
    I see your garden is pretty despite on the wet areas. Yes, it’s a lot of water there. My garden is on the ex-swamp area and we have the ground water very high. All the years I struggled with water level. I did many drainage, taking water off the garden.
    Love your Hydrangea and phlox.
    Happy GBBD!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    Saint Petersburg

  3. Pat

    Nadezda – Thank you for visiting. We also have used every technique to manage the water in the garden. Our planting beds are raised and we built a hugel that provides a very raised planting bed at the back and wettest part of the garden. Happy GBBD to you!

  4. Pat

    Lea – I am very glad for those black eyed susans, but they are very rambunctious. I am going to have to give away a lot of them in the spring.

  5. Lisa at Greenbow

    It is almost unbelieveable how wet it is at your place. I have seen the reports on the weather channel about the rains in your area. It is a good thing you planned for a wet garden when you moved there. This though is unprecedented. I hope your house is fairing well.

  6. Lisa

    Oh, my goodness… I have problems in the far back part of my yard, but nothing like that. My problem is clay soil. I have raised beds for everything too. It’s fine near the house, and the front yard is even dry. I know it’s not what you want to see in your garden, but it does have its own beauty!

  7. Rebecca R.

    I can’t believe how wet your garden is. Until this past weekend, we had gone a few months without significant rain at our house. Hope it all drys up soon and doesn’t cause too much damage.

  8. Pat

    Rebecca – We gardeners are always complaining. Too much rain. Too much sun. When will we ever make up our minds? Actually most of the plants will do fine. I think

  9. Pat

    Lisa, My problem is clay soil too – and a high water table. A river runs under it. Literally. And I think the garden is beautiful with its water loving plants.

  10. Jeannie

    So much water!!!!! Bless your heart!!!! But the garden still looks great.

  11. yennayi

    Your garden looks great because of your expertise what to plant where. I just keep what ever survive in my yard mostly focused on plants birds like. Hope to see your garden.

  12. Oh gosh–that is a crazy swath of water! But your water-loving plants are still happy. Good planning!

  13. Pat

    Beth – Unfortunately, the water may have drowned our beautiful weeping cherry right outside my kitchen window. Still, I am visualizing a recovery.

  14. Pat

    Yenna – The garden has looked better, but surely the really wet season will end and we can assess the lasting damage. I am visualizing a good recovery.

  15. Pat

    Jeannie – Clearly you know what country living is like. Nature brings her own problems, as well as pleasures.

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