Thomas Affleck

  • Post published:08/11/2011
  • Post comments:2 Comments
Thomas Affleck

Thomas Affleck was hybridized at the Antique Rose Emporium in 1998, so it is a new rose. In my garden it is about 4 feet tall and loaded with roses all season. It begins early and continues all summer. Its hardiness is a reminder that hardiness is built into a rose, and is not dependent on the climate of the nursery where it was grown.

It is nearly thornless as promised, but it is not fragrant for me. That might possibly be a result of my soil or climate because the ARE recommends planting it where you will pass often so you can enjoy its scent. I have planted it at the end of the Herb Bed in front of the house so I pass it, and admire it, dozens of times a day, but alas, no fragrance. Its beauty and persistence make up for it though.


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Sharon Lovejoy

    Yes, I adore this rose and all the more because it is from the Antique Rose Emporium, which is one of America’s treasure gardens and resources. I lectured there one year and spent hours roaming through their landscape and visiting with their happy customers.

    Love this and love how the Emporium carefully ships their babies.

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green island

  2. commonweeder

    Sharon – This is a great rose, and the Antique Rose Emporium is a great nursery. We got to wander through their landscape too, and get good advice about growing roses for my Texas daughter who is not an experienced gardener.

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