The Bridge is Open!

  • Post published:04/08/2010
  • Post comments:7 Comments

The historic Bridge of Flowers is in bloom!  When I ran across yesterday admiring all the flowers I met three visitors from Australia, taking lots of photos – and who could blame them. I took photos too.  First there is the new sign on the Shelburne side. It was painted by Jane Wegscheider of The Art Garden and hangs from a structure created by Bob Compton of Rising Sun Forge.

Crocuses and scillas

The flowers begin even before you step on the Bridge.

All manner of daffodils – and companions – are in bloom.

The magnolia blossoms are just opening against a perfect spring sky.

The first hellebore has opened. This is just the beginning, and those of us who need to run regular errands in Shelburne Falls can enjoy every shift in the season

We can all also become a Friend of the Bridge of Flowers. All it takes is a small donation and you will have added your support to the Bridge that is the jewel of our community. Check the Bridge of Flowers website for full information.

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Lisa at Greenbow

    Whoo hoo, I bet your imagination is reeling and your wallet is flopping open and closed.

  2. Pat

    Lisa – There was lots of wallet flopping yesterday on fertilizer and more seeds if you can believe it. Fortunately it is not the season for buying more of those beautiful spring blooming bulbs.

  3. Kate

    Oh, how wonderful! I am counting the days until my spring bulbs make a grand showing. PS: I really love the background of your blog. Thanks for sharing these great photos!

  4. Pat

    Kate – I’m still waiting for my grand show, too. The dandelions will arrive not long after.

  5. Janice Sorensen

    Hi There,
    Here is the link to my latest blog, Holland Days Sauce that shows some unusual shots of flowers at the Keukenhof. BEAUTIFUL sign Jane and Bob.

  6. Pat

    Janice – You have some remarkable and beautiful photos of Nederlands on your blog. I have really been enjoying the tour.

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