Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day – April 15, 2023

Grape Hyacinths

I am getting off well at this Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day with Grape Hyacinths.  As you may know, you plant these bulbs in the fall, and that is how I started. However, I enjoyed seeing the hyacinths come up in the spring, and was not surprised that  the flowers and greenery died in mid-summer. But THEN – the greenery comes up late in the summer and lives green  through the winter, into the spring, and into Bloom Time. I was surprised, but am happy with this system.

Dicentra ‘Pink Diamonds’

These  small bleeding hearts grow against the brick base of our house, right by the side door. They bloom early and last quite a  happy time.

Bleeding Heart

This bleeding heart is much larger, and since you can see a few buds I thought I would show it off. It will grow larger and full of  flowers.


I peeked under the leaves a month ago and saw the tiny buds, and some were quite swollen. I carefully covered then again  with leaves. But then there was a week  of storms, heavy wet snow!  When it finally melted I peeked again, and some plants were very damaged, but there are still  some tiny plants with buds that may bloom.

Daffodils and Scillas

I had to include these beauties. The daffodils are in a horseshoe arrangement around my rose bushes. This is the only spot dry enough for the roses. I’ll have to show you the swamps sometime

Tiny daffodils

I don’t remember planting these, but there are several groups of tiny daffodils in front of the house.

Blooming epimediums

Three days ago I noticed tiny tiny shoots appearing of my epimediums. I was amazed at how fast they were growing – including the blossoms which stunned me. I did not expect this.  That is my husband’s hand making sure we can see the blossom properly.

Peony Shoots

I know these are not blooming but I had to show the healthy peony shoots. I do have  6 peonies, but this surprised me. I’ve gotten  a lot of surprises this year.

May Apples

I know  this is not a flower either, but it sent up shoots very fast. I wonder if you know about May Apples. These shoots will only grow to about 12 inches. The leaves will be very full and the May Apples will be hidden underneath. This is another surprising plant. And it increases substantially every year.

Wood Poppies


Happy Garden Bloggers Bloom Day!

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Beautiful blooms!
    Glad to see Mayapples! They are such cute little wildflowers!
    Happy Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day!

  2. Pat

    Lea – Thanks for visiting. Those Mayapples are pretty and interesting.

  3. Beth@PlantPostings

    It is striking how similar our garden plants and the timing are, especially this spring. I also have most of the plants you share here, and they’re at similar stages. I’m worried about the cold, snowy weather ahead in the next couple of days (after a week of 80s!). Fingers crossed that the nearly blooming and the blooming plants will be OK.

  4. Candi @minhus

    Lovely blooms! I especially love those white daffodils. I really need to plant more daffodils this fall so I have bigger clumps.

    I have grape hyacinth’s that were here when I moved in and I just love them. They’re such intricate, happy looking little flowers.

  5. Lisa

    I like the emerging peonies and mayapples!

  6. Pat

    I’m glad you enjoyed the emerging plants – please come and watch more, including the flowers.

  7. Pat

    Candi – I love those grape hyacinths, too, and now I am watching them spread! Actually, I’m thinking there must be a watch on those spreading plants.

  8. Pat

    Beth – An unexpected snow did a lot of damage to my hellebores, but some of them were damaged, but I think they will survive. And I’m worried about new cold weather too.

  9. Pat

    Candi – I too love the grape hyacinths, and watching them spread. It will be interesting next early spring to see what those skinny grape hyacinths look like then.

  10. Pat

    Candi – I was so happy about the daffodils this year because I got more, choosing different daffies that will spread longer. However the daffies around my rose area are all the same and have increased over 3 years. This fall I am going to dig them us and give away some to the extras.

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