The end of August view from the upstairs window shows not only a full garden, but my most recent project of a wine bottle hose guard on the left. Also in the center of that bed is a beautiful glass “flower” given to us by the sister of a dear friend. You can’t see it very well here, but as soon as I see the sun shining on it I’ll give a better photo.

I wanted to get a good view of the most norther island bed and you can see that more work needs to be done at the east end. The pagoda dogwood will get bigger so I am thinking about low growing plants.

I rarely show photos of the South Shrub Border, but it is the oldest planting in the garden and right now the important bloomers are three hydrangeas, Limelight, Angel Blush and Firelight, fronted by roses, some of which are still putting out blooms. The two pink roses, one a low grower, and the other will be a large bush – Purple Rain and Thomas Affleck.

The Firelight hydrangea (not Angel Blush as typed earlier) is coming into full blushing color. Lovely. A lovely end to August.
Looking good, Pat! Wow, I didn’t realize the full beauty of ‘Angel Blush’ before! That shade of peachy/orange/pink is dreamy!
Wow, it seems like not too long ago there were empty beds here. Now it appears that everything is filling in so well. Looking good. Love your hydrangeas and roses.
Beth – my error. The photo of that beautiful pinky/peachy hydrangea is actually Firelight. Angel Blush is still very pale.
Lisa – The first South Border was planted in June of 2015, so it has had 3 summers. I was told by a visiting expert that the lush growth of the shrubs in the back is because of all the water – so I guess I made some good choices for those wet spot.