You may ask what this wheel suspended over a ditch has to do with plants. Well, it actually has to do with a library book about plants. I set off for the dump and the library and then realized I had my trash but not the library book Bulbs by Anna Pavord. While turning around I managed to hang the car up on a bank and my wheel was suspended which meant I couldn’t go back, and I couldn’t go forward. A passing neighbor drove me home so I could call AAA. No cell service in Heath. Then I walked back to the car and waited.
Peter, my hero from Stagecoach, to the rescue. Pulling me back from the brink.
The rescue completed. Peter followed me out to the paved road to make sure I didn’t get into any more mischief.
At the library I turned in Bulbs, and picked up Celia’s House by D.E. Stevenson and Shadow of the Wind by Carolos Ruiz Zafron, both excellent books – though very different.
And then as I was going in the house and on this dreary gray day I found a surprise in the Herb Bed. Autumn crocus.
In my neighborhood we call the suspended-wheel thing “pulling a Tinky.” I’m glad it all worked out. And I didn’t know there were autumn croci, although I saw something the other day and said, “Gee, that looks like a crocus!” Thanks as always for enlightening me.
I love that lavender color. So glad the car accident wasn’t any worse.
I am delighted that when calamity strikes your first instinct, apparently, is to grab your camera and document the incident. Gardeners are so serene in a crisis.
Tinky – I haven’t done this to a car for over 40 years!Autumn crocus are lovely – sometimes called Naked Ladies because they have no stem or foliage in the fall. Foliage only in spring.
Jason – all is well and beautiful.
Flaneur – as the immortal Nora Ephron said – or maybe it was her mother – it’s all material.