My Office Greenhouse

  • Post published:01/23/2025
  • Post comments:2 Comments
Green Arrangement

This is a corner of my books, and a group of flowers, though they are not blooming now. I simply could not put them in the basement, even though that is my old system.

Fern and Geraniums

These plants are happy to feel the sun for many hours of the day. In the evening I have lights keeping them healthy for about 4 hours when it is dark out.


The geraniums are all the same on the table, but there is a poinsettia closer to the window. That is the one plant with a bit of red. It was given to me during the joyous Christmastime. At first it gives brilliance to the early Christmas time, then the red flower falls away over time.

I enjoy flowers and I wait for the season when the the snow is gone and I can start to wake up my flowers.


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Robin Ruff Leja

    I don’t bring any flowers in for the winter anymore, but I know I should. It’s always so sad to see those special annuals knocked out by a hard freeze.

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